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Sree Krishna College, Guruvayur was established by Guruvayur Devaswom on 18th July 1964. The Department of Botany is one of the oldest departments in Sree Krishna College. It was established in September 1969, with Undergraduate course in Botany. Sri.Krishnanunni Menon M took charge as the Head of the Department, then. The first Post Graduate Course of Sree Krishna College was started in our Department in 1984. The Department is proud to produce rank holders in M.Sc. Botany, consistently. The Department stepped into active research when it was recognised as a Research Centre for Botany by University of Calicut from 2011 onwards. The Department was the first Research Centre in the South Zone of University of Calicut. Department was supported by the SARD fund during the tenure. Several Major and Minor projects were undertaken in due course. There are three students who were awarded with the Doctoral Degree and one scholar is currently pursuing his Doctoral Research in the Department. Teaching activities in the Department include under-graduate and post- graduate semester courses and Ph.D. programmes. The departmental library has a significant number of books and subscribed journals. Our library is enriched with a collection of almost 3000 books for reference and a separate section is maintained to cater the students for various competitive examinations. The P.G. classes are smart classrooms enabled with interactive boards and projectors. We maintain a repository of Herbarium specimens. Our Museum is a showcase of preserved specimens of lower and higher groups of plants. We also maintain a Botanic Garden in our college. The department has distinction in having its alumni placed at various respectable positions all over the globe. At present, there are six permanent faculties and one faculty on contract.



Dr. Harinarayanan M K
Assistant Professor and Principal (I/c)
Smt. Niranjana M R
Assistant Professor
Dr. Gayathri G
Assistant Professor
Dr. Sumathi V
Assistant Professor
Dr. Prajith. T. M
Assistant Professor
Retired Faculty
Dr. P S Udayan
Assistant Professor & Head
Dr. Deepna Latha K. P.
Assistant Professor
Dr. G. Jayakrishnan
Associate Professor
Dr. V K Jayasree
Assistant Professor