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Post Graduate Department of Sanskrit



हि ज्ञानेन सदृशं पवित्रमिह विद्यते
‘In This World There Is Nothing As Purifying As Divine Knowledge’



A Brief History of Sanskrit Language

Sanskrit is a classical Indian language, the word Sanskrit means ‘Refined’, ‘Sacred’ and ‘Sanctified’. The Sanskrit language is supposed to have emerged around 5,000 to 1,000 B.C.E. It has the credit of being one of the oldest existing languages and is the primary, philosophical and literary language of ancient and medieval India. Sanskrit literature encompasses a rich tradition of poetry and drama as well as scientific, technical, philosophical and religious wisdom. . For nearly 2,000 years, Sanskrit was the language of a cultural order that exerted influence in Indian society. Sanskrit was the National language of Indian subcontinent. Among the official languages of India, it has a prominent place. It influenced all Indian languages, and our mother tongue Malayalam has adopted many of its words and its grammatical structurefrom Sanakrit. Now it is one of the 22 languages listed in the VIII th Schedule of the Constitution of India, which mandates the Indian government to develop the language. The state of Uttarakhand in India has ruled Sanskrit as its second official language. Antiquity of this language is notable but its structure remains live in modern period as same as in old age. This cultured language is the gate way to ancient Indian history. Modern Sanskrit literature is also qualitative as classical Sanskrit treasure. Serious studies and researches are going on in Sanskrit worldwide.


About the Department

Sree Krishna College, Guruvayur was founded by Guruvayur Devaswom on 18th July 1964 for the encouragement and propagation of Sanskrit studies. The Department started functioning with Sri N.K.Vijayanunni as the Head of the Department and it has been successfully flourishing here for the last fifty seven years. B.A.Degree Course was started on 18th July 1967. In 2013 the Department has been upgraded as Post Graduate Department. Eminent scholars in the field of Sanskrit enriched the Department with their scholarly contributions. The alumnii of the department are very active in the field of Sanskrit and oriental studies who occupy high positions in Universities and colleges. Among the successful students the department proudly presents the eminent scholars like Prof.P.C.Muraleemadhavan (Rtd. Professor and Head, Dept of Sanskrit Sahitya, Sree Sankaracharya University Of Sanskrit, Kalady and International Sanskrit Scholar), Prof. Dharmaraj Adatt (Vice Chancellor, Sree Sankaracharya University Of Sanskrit, Kalady) Prof. K Geethakumari (Dean, Oriental Studies, University Of Calicut), Prof. K.N.Parvathy (HOD, Sanskrit, Rtd. Vimala College, Trissur), Prof. E. Narayanan, (Professor, Dept of Sanskrit Sahitya, Rastriya Sanskrit Sasthan Deemed University, Mumbai Campus) Dr. E S Devaki. (Former HOD, Sanskrit, Sree Krishna College, Guruvayur) Dr. P.V.Ouseph (Professor and Head (Rtd), Dept of Vastuvidya, Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit, Kalady.


Dr. Lakshmi Sankar
Assistant Professor& Head (I/C)
Dr. Sudha
Assistant Professor
Dr. Viswaja S. Nair,
Assistant Professor

Retired Faculty

Department Activities

The Department conducts multiple levels of activities which help the personality development and the subject orientation for the students and the enrichment of the content of the faculty members. The students are given full freedom to participate in seminars/discussions, cultural activities, inter-departmental interactions and activities of N.S.S., N.C.C., Film club, Environment club, Literary club, Health club etc. and students’ welfare agencies. The Department regularly celebrates Sanskrit Day, Sankara Jayanthi, Kalidasa Jayanthi, Vyasa Jayanthi etc. The faculties take care of the academic, social and cultural activities. In the aspect of publication, the faculty members of the Department have published many books of international recognition and research papers in National and International Journals. The Department has satisfactory infrastructure facilities, student strength, quality in teaching, research activities, evaluation etc.  The faculty members contribute immensely to the discipline through their books and research articles.