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Assistant Professor and Principal (I/c)

Dr. Harinarayanan M K

Email : harinmk@yahoo.co.in

B. Sc. Botany (1986 – 1989) University of Calicut, Kerala, India.
M.Sc. Botany (1989 – 1991) University of Calicut, Kerala, India.
B.Ed. Natural Science (1992 – 1993) University of Mysore, Karnataka, India.
PhD (2006): Ethnobotanical and vegetation studies in the Attappady Valley, Kerala. University of Calicut
Pharmacognostic techniques on selected medicinal species at Drug standardisation Unit, CCRH
Mnistry of Health and Family welfare, Government of India, Hyderabad, during 13.03.96 to 13.06.96.
Harinarayanan M.K., Musthafa Anand P.H., Jayanthi. A., Reetha. A., 1994. Some preliminary observations on Daru – Haridra – A vanishing medicinal plant. ARYAVAIDYAN. 8:1.13 – 18.
Harinarayanan M.K., 1995. Role of forest products in food habits – A case study at Tamaravellachal tribal settlement Paper presented in V Swadeshi Science Congress held at Calicut on 4th November.
Anil P.C., Mohan V., Harinarayanan M.K., Amruth M., and Sankar S. 1996. Forest products as source for subsistence – A case study at Tamaravellachal tribal settlement, Peechi. Jananeeti Oct – Dec. 3.4. 31 – 35 Kess Bhavan, Thrissur.
Mohan V., Kumar M.G.S., Harinarayanan M.K., Amruth M., and Sankar S., 1996. Nageia wallichiana – a rare tree species in Kerala forests EVERGREEN 37. 5 KFRI, Peechi.
Harinarayanan M.K., Mohan V., 1999. Effect of pole harvesting on tree species: A case study at Paravattani hills, Thrissur, Kerala. Proceedings of the XI Kerala Science Congress. February – March. Kazargod. 336 – 338.
Harinarayanan M.K., 1999. Sustainable utilisation of forest plants. Paper presented in the national workshop on transfer of forest technologies December 17 – 18. IFGTB, Coimbatore.
Harinarayanan M.K., Nambiar V.P.K., 2000. Commercial viability of cultivation of medicinal plants – A case study. Paper presented in the Silver Jubilee Seminar KFDC, Kottayam; held at Kumily, January 24 – 25.
Rajagopalan C.R., and Harinarayanan M.K., 2003. Veterinary wisdom from the Western Ghats. Amruth, FRLHT, Bangalore 7: 2. March – April. 15 – 17.
Rajagopalan C.R., and Harinarayanan M.K., 2004. Ethno-Veterinary wisdom. In: Rajagopalan C.R (ed). Summer Rain- Harvesting of Indigenous Knowledge of Kerala. Centre for IK/ Folklore Studies, Thrissur. 53- 57.
Conservation, management and sustainable utilisation of NTFP.s in Southern Western Ghats’ Kerala Forest Research Institute Research Report; KFRI, Peechi.
‘Some important medicinal plants of the Western Ghats, India – a profile’. Pub: MAPPA, IDRC/SARO Jorbagh New Delhi 2000, p. 398.
Sasikumar V., Harinarayanan M.K., Aravindaksha Panicker T and Sankar S. (ed’s) 1998. Sasyajam Mrityunjayam. – A compilation of broadcast materials of Krishipadham. All India Radio, Thrissur and Nagarjuna Research Foundation, Kochi. 256p.
Harinarayanan M.K (ed.) 2004. Sasyangalude Nattarivu. DC Books Kottayam. 150p.