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Our College

Sree Krishna College, Guruvayur visualized by Sree Krishna Educational Society, was formally inaugurated on 18th July 1964 and was affiliated to Kerala University. In 1967 the college was shifted to the present location at Ariyannur. The college came under the direct control of Guruvayur Devaswom in 1976.
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A Word From Principal

Dr. Vijoy. P. S

It is with extreme sense of satisfaction that I share with all benefactors and stake holders of this esteemed institution, my thoughts on its steady march into future glory. The college had its inception in 1964 as the fulfillment of the long cherished dream of the local people, to have a centre of higher education in Guruvayur, which lacked a college for both men and women. The college has developed over the years into a first grade college with 6 P.G. Course and 13 U.G. courses & research centre. The college is marching forward in tune with the well appreciated mission and vision that wishes to see students come out meaningfully empowered and faculty chiselled to still better glitter. Infrastructural development of the college is in progress at an enviable pace and efforts are on to make Sree Krishna College, one of the best equipped institutions in the state. The faculty of the college are highly respected in their respective disciplines with most of them holding doctoral degrees and post doctoral experience.

Our Campus

Sree Krishna College, Guruvayur visualized by Sree Krishna Educational Society, was formally inaugurated on 18th July 1964 and was affiliated to Kerala University. In 1967 the college was shifted to the present location at Ariyannur

Our Programs

The college came under the direct control of Guruvayur Devaswom in 1976. Graduate courses were started in 1967 and Post graduate course in 1984.

  • Post Graduate Courses (M.A, M. Sc & M. Com) 

  • B. Com Degree Course

  • B . A Degree Courses

  • B.Sc Degree Courses

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