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The Department of Economics was an integral part of Sreekrishna College since its inception in 1964. The department is well functioning with a Choice Based Credit Semester System U G course B A Economics. Indian Constitution and Politics and Indian History are the Complimentary courses that the students are studying as part of their curriculum which is offered by other departments.
The Department offers complimentary courses for B.A History and B Com. Malayalam, Hindi and Sanskrit are the common courses opted by students. Students are encouraged to select open courses of their choice in other departments like Physics, Zoology, etc. “Economics for everyday Life” is the open course provided by the Department for non Economic students. “Economics of Business and Finance” has taken as elective paper for the final year students. The department offers a certificate course on Digital Banking to improve students employability. Our department assures transparency and professionalism in the transfer of knowledge through creative innovations in teaching. We have adopted student centric learning process in teaching.
The department has strength of 180 students (total in three years) till 2015 and it has increased to 183 in 2016 and 187 in 2017. There were five eminent teachers in the department till 2013 and now there are two permanent teachers and one guest faculty in the department.


Dr. Ambili K
Assistant Professor (on leave - LWA)
Smt. Hima Hari.U
Assistant Professor & Head
Manju Satheesh T
Assistant Professor

Action Plan


Seminar & Workshop (2018-19)

Title : ““Sustainable Development in Indian Economy- A Myth or Reality”

Date : 22nd February 2019 

The Department of Economics in association with IQAC, Sree Krishna College, Guruvayur has  organised a National Seminar on “Sustainable Development in Indian Economy- A Myth or Reality” which was sponsored by PTA, Sree Krishna College, Guruvayur on February 22 2019.The present seminar takes into consideration the environmental economics of the concept sustainable development in general and economic perspective in particular and it attempts to analyze sustainable development in Indian Economy through economic perspective.

Brochure Click Here

Seminar report Click Here


Retired Faculties
Prof. Vijayakumar
Associate Professor & Former HoD