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Anti ragging Cell

Faculty in charge of Anti ragging cell is Dr. Suresh Namboothiri,   (Assistant Professor, Dept.  Chemistry)

Anti ragging, Directions from High Court of Kerala

In pursuance of the direction from the Honorable High Court of Kerala, the Director of collegiate Education has communicated to the Principals of all colleges in the State that the incidents of ragging or any such indecent behavior by any student to the fellow students involving physical or mental assault should be treated not as merely a problem of academic discipline, but as a criminal offence, punishable under the provision of the Criminal Procedure Code, and that any laxity in dealing with such cases sternly by the head of the institution would be considered a serious lapse on their part. Therefore all senior students are informed that any act of vandalism being committed under the pretext of ragging will not be tolerated at any cost. Those who indulge in such acts ignoring this warning would have to face drastic punishments including their summary dismissal from the rolls and even recommendation for police action. Students are strictly warned that there would be no more warning in the manner.

Anti ragging : Directions from Supreme Court of India

1. The punishment to be meted out has to be exemplary and justifiably harsh to act as a deterrent against recurrence of such incidents.

2. Every single incident of ragging where the victim or his parent/guardian or the Head of institution is not satisfied with the institutional arrangement for action, a First Information Report must be filed without exception by the institutional authorities with the local police authorities. Any failure on the part of the institutional authority or negligence or deliberate delay in lodging the FIR with the local police shall be construed to be an act of culpable negligence on the part of the institutional authority. If any victim or his parent/guardian of ragging intends to file FIR directly with the police, that will not absolve the institutional authority from the requirement of filing the FIR.

3. In the prospectus to be issued for admission by educational institutions, it shall be clearly stipulated that in case the applicant for admission is found to have indulged in ragging in the past or if it is noticed later that he has indulged in ragging, admission may be refused or he shall be expelled from the educational institution.

4. It shall be the collective responsibility of the authorities and functionaries of the concerned institution and their role shall also be open to scrutiny for the purpose of finding out whether they have taken effective steps for preventing ragging and in case of their failure, action can be taken; for

example, denial of any grant-in-aid or assistance from the State Governments.

5. Anti ­ ragging committees and squads shall be forthwith formed by the institutions and it shall be the job of the committee or the squad, as the case may be, to see that the Committee’s recommendations, more particularly those noted above, are observed without exception and if it is noticed that there is any deviation, the same shall be forthwith brought to the notice of this Court.

6. The Committee constituted pursuant to the order of this Court shall continue to monitor the functioning of the anti ­ ragging committees and the squads to be formed. They shall also monitor the implementation of the recommendations to which reference has been made above.

“Ragging free campus”

An awareness programme Conducted on 30th March 2022 at 2.30am at Mini Auditorium Sreekrishna College, Guruvayur

 Talk was given by T.S Sinoj (Assistant commissioner of Police, Kunnamkulam)

Anti ragging Procedure

UGC Student Affidavit Registration page


VI. Fill this antiragging affidavit in the website  Click Here

College details.
AISHE code of college. C-7976.
Affiliated university – university of calicut.
Principal Name. Dr. Hari Narayanan. M K
Phone 4885235027
Police station. Guruvayur, Ariyannur