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Assistant Professor

Niranjana M.R., M. Sc.


Dept. of Botany  & Research Centre, Sree Krishna College, Guruvayur, Thrissur, PIN – 680102, KERALA

Email : mr.niranjana@gmail.com

  • M. Sc. (Botany) : University of Calicut (2010)
Awards /Fellowship

National Level:

  • CSIR -UGC- NET(LS) – Rank 0080/1335 – December 2009
  • GATE (2011)
  • IASc-INSA-NASI -Summer Research Fellowship (2011)- at the Department of Genetics, Dr. A.L.M. PG Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Madras, Chennai.

State Level:

  • Research Fellowship- KSCSTE (2012) (Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment , Thiruvananthapuram) in Taxonomy.

University Level:

  • First Rank : M.Sc Botany (2010)
  • First Rank : B.Sc Botany (2008)
  • V.V. Sivarajan Memorial Endowment (2009)
Research interests:
  • Pteridophyte Taxonomy
  • Cytology
  • Phytochemistry
  • Applied Molecular Biology
Positions Held
  • Assistant Professor: PG & Research Department of Botany , Sree Krishna College Guruvayur (2013 – Present)
Publications & Presentations:
  • R. Niranjana , P. V. Madhusoodanan and R. PrakashKumar (2013)The Pteridophyte Flora of Malabar Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala, South India : A Preliminary Report., Indian Fern J. 30: 119-127.
  • Presentation on ‘A preliminary investigation on the Pteridophyte Flora of Malabar Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala’ in the National Seminar on Pteridophyta: An intriguing Flora, organised by the Indian Fern Society at St. Aloysius College, Mangalore (2013)