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The Department of English was established in 1964 when Sree Krishna College was formally inaugurated on 18th July 1964. B.A English Language and Literature Degree course was started in 1967 when the college was shifted to the present location at Ariyannur. Prof. M.P. Balakrishna Menon who joined the department in 1965 was the principal-in-charge during 1968-69. Prof. K.V. Ramakrishnan (well-known poet and translator) left the department to take up the post of editor in the Mathrubumi. Dr. K.M. Krishnan a former student of this college, who joined the department in 1988 left to join the School of Letters affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University and is the H.O.D at present. The B.A. Functional English course was started in 1998 with the aid of UGC. From 2003 it has been functioning as a self-financing course. There are seven members in the department and four Guest Lecturers to handle the Functional English classes.


Smt. Nitha Rajagopal
Assistant Professor & Head
Dr. Balu Vijayaraghavan
Assistant Professor
Miss Amrutha T V
Assistant Professor
Smt. Sarada P V
Assistant Professor
Chinthu Viswanath
Assistant Professor

Retired Faculties

Smt. P. Radhika Menon
Associate Professor & Former HoD
Smt. K Geetha
Associate Professor
Smt. V.S. Sasikala
Associate Professor