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KRISP (Krishna Poorva Vidhyarthi Association) is the old Students‟ association formed on July 18, 2002, the day of the inception of the institution, with a motto “Fraternity Forever”. KRISP arranges regular meetings every year on July 18th. The alumni consist of distinguished personalities from various walks of life. Some eminent members, who have contributed to the social, cultural, academic and political life of the state, are selected and honored in every annual get together. Prizes are distributed to rank holders of that particular year and the accounts are presented and passed. Executive committee is reconstituted in every year. Our former students drop in often to meet us and share their experiences at their place of work/study. They greet us on Teacher‟s Day and other special days. Students who have settled abroad visit the departments occasionally and constantly interact with them through social media. The institution utilizes the expertise and potential of the alumni and retired faculties in the academic and non- academic development of the college. Every academic year the third Saturday of March is for honoring our retiring staff members, on that day a special get together is arranged with the present faculty and a session exclusively for the retired staff is also arranged. This will help the new members of our faculty to interact with the former members and to understand the good old culture of our college. For every important gathering of our college alumni is invited and they actively participate in the college developmental projects. Alumni and retired faculties extend financial support to the students and institution. The retired faculties and alumni institute scholarships and endowments for our students. The academic excellences of our retired faculties are utilized. They are invited to give enriching talks and orientation classes to our students.