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The Department of History was established in the year 1964, the year of inception of college with Prof .AK Premajam as Head of the Department and Prof Manikkavasagan Pillai and Prof .PP Narayanan Namboothiri as members of the teaching staff. The B.A Degree course in History was started in the year 1979. There was the gradual increase in the number of the teaching staff and students.Prof VP .Balakrishnan ,Prof K Parameswaran Namboothiri, Prof TM Sajitha Rajan,Smt. K Kumari and Sri TB Ajayan had served as lecturers in the department.Sri K.Lakhmanan became the Head of the Department in2002. .In addition to the HOD three more teachers, Smt. KS Geetha ,Sri .N Rajasekharan Nair and Smt R Jayasree (Political Science) served the department. From 2008, following the retirement of permanent faculty, guest lecturers were appointed in the department. At present there are four permanent faculty .The department has a strength of 180 students (total in three years) . The Department of History plays a very crucial role in the overall functioning of the institution.
Smt. M.U. Ajitha
Assistant Professor & Head
Smt. V. Suchitra
Assistant Professor
Smt. M.S. Seena
Assistant Professor

Action plan

Seminar and Workshop (2018-19)

“Conceptualizing Gender Issues: An ongoing quest for Equality’’.
8 , February 2019
Gender is a dichotomous social category that prescribes behaviours, attitudes,
feelings and other characteristics as being appropriate for a male or a female . That is,
knowin gan individual’s gender allow us to place him or her in a distinct social category
and they judge his or her behaviours based on our expectations for that category.
Discriminations based on gender is a common civil rights violation and in order to ameliorate
the condition of women in India , legislature passed large volume of enactments. Acheiving
gender equality is crucial to the development of peaceful societies. Gender equality entails the
concept that all human beings are free to develop their personalities and make choices without
limitations set by stereotypes. Gender issue is a significant topic of discussion, mainly in
underdeveloped and developing nations today.It is because of the realisation that the
development that they aspire cannot be achieved unless we achieve gender equality by
empowering their women.

Brochure Click Here

Seminar Report Click Here